Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chapter Book Portfolio

I've grouped my images depicting older children here. I hope to show art directors not only that I can draw the age group but that my characters are consistant.

Here are some new images for a job I just completed for Compass Publishing. Ten images from the story "Anne of Green Gables". Keep in mind Anne grows form the age of 11 to about 18 here. This was a super fast deadline. Lots of stress to finish in time but I was happy with the results.

Next are some samples I did from the book "Barkbelly" by Cat Weatherhill. Sort of a modern Pinocchio.

Cover for The Curse of Amun Ra. Acrylics, guoache and colored pencils

Selection of pieces for the Tayke-Off Adventure Series, page down for more of these. Guoache and colored pencils.

Sample from Cooking's Cool book proposal. Guoache and colored pencils.

Samples of illustrations for a version of The Jungle Book, coming soon by Compass Publishing. Guoache and colored pencils.

1 comment:

Outdated Rabbit said...

I love your work! esp the one with the the kid flying! it reminds me of my younger time .... no worries, all the time in the world, laughter was the only language!!!! Ahhhh ...... good ol' days!!!