Friday, May 22, 2009

IF Cracked and Contagous

I ran out of time for my Contagous idea but this is a very rough sketch I did while waiting for my son to finish piano lessons. I hope to finish it soon. As for Cracked, I had to post this one I did months ago based on the story by Cat Weatherill called Barkbelly about a little wooden boy. (It's definitley not Pinnochio but a great story in it's own right!) I did a bunch from this book which are on my website.


Ginger*:) said...

Both are wonderful, Penny. I think the "cracked" piece is really imaginative and so well done.

Michelle Henninger said...

Penny you are just so talented! I love your work! This is a really great illo! I love the characters expressions, and love the feet pushing out. Really well done!